There is a group of ham radio operators that enjoy getting together to talk about their hobby and just about everything else not related to ham radio. Everyone is encouraged to check us out. This is usually a senior citizen group but anyone at any age is encouraged to join.
There are two significant participation opportunities for you to try out:
#1. If you are a licensed ham, join the group for a weekly check in NET each Wednesday at 9 am. Frequency: 146.895 (-). PL tone 136.5. Note that this radio check in uses the Orange County Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Services repeater. You only need to listen to the existing radio operators respond to their names and call signs. At the end of the check in the control operator asks if there are any late or missed check ins. Then the control operator asks if there are any visitors. You are encouraged to give your call sign and name. The control operator will then repeat your information so you know that you were entered into their log. You can keep checking in each Wednesday as a visitor. At some later time, the control operator might ask you if you want to be listed as a member. If you say yes, then your call sign and name will be added to the list that is called every Wednesday. You are encouraged to next travel to the in person club meetings the same day but an hour and a half later.
#2. Club members meet at the Orange Senior Center. This is a very nice facility with parking at on either side of the building. (Watch out: there are some 3 hour parking stalls near.)
Time: 10:30 am to 12:00 pm every Wednesday.
Address: 170. South Olive Street
Orange, California
Phone: 714-538-9633

Meeting place for Orange
Radio Amateurs Club
Posted: August 25, 2021